Have TMJ? Why You May Want to Consider VeneersTMJ, Veneers

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, can cause patients a host of problems including pain, swelling, stiffness, popping of the jaw, earaches, and the inability to chew foods like steak and chewing gum. However, TMJ can also cause interference with things like braces. How exactly can TMJ affect your ability to get braces and what are some of the alternatives? Read on to learn more.

The Problem With Traditional Braces

Depending on the severity of your TMJ and just how bad the damage is, braces may be a no-go to help straighten your otherwise crooked smile. Because during the straightening process the jaw is often moved in order to help with the overall alignment process, it can place an undue amount of pressure on the temporomandibular joint— in return exacerbating any of the symptoms that you may already be experiencing. However, just because you do have TMJ doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to get braces. During your initial consultation with Dr. Janice Scott, you will receive an x-ray that will help determine just how bad your TMJ is and if you are a decent candidate for braces. If you are deemed as an unsuitable candidate for braces, veneers may be a good option for you.

The Next Best Thing

Did you know that veneers can be used to help with not only the size, color, and shape of your teeth but also how straight they are? If you are an unsuitable candidate for traditional braces due to your TMJ, then Dr. Janice Scott may recommend that you look into dental veneers. Dental veneers involve filing down your original teeth and then placing a porcelain veneer directly on top of them with a dental adhesive. By both looking and acting like your natural teeth, dental veneers provide patients with the perfect way to straighten their smile without having to mess with their jaw.

If you have TMJ and are wanting to get your teeth straightened, you may have to consider getting dental veneers. However, you won’t be able to fully determine what is best for you until after you receive a dental exam. To learn more, contact Dr. Janice Scott.



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